Suppose you see a brother or sister who has no food or clothing, and you say,
"Good-bye and have a good day;
stay warm and eat well" - but then you don't give that person any food or clothing.
What good does that do?
James 2:15-16 NLT
It's easy to argue about James example - don't worry James, I'd never say that...
But let's not skip James question: "what good does that do?"
To be close enough to see a person's need, to have resources to help that person, and to speak some words that ring empty because they have no intent, no action, no love in them.
What good does that do?
Nice (but empty) words does no good for the person, the community, the systems that have created the place that person is in, or the focus of James ideas here, our faith.
It's uncomfortable.
And James invites us as dear brothers and sisters to stop in that discomfort, to wait in it.
Out of that discomfort over centuries have sprung charities and hospitals and hospices and products and services, and small acts of kindness and love.
Out of that discomfort faith has developed hands and feet and spoken life and restoration and hope into the world, into darkness, into the lives of those who are unseen, unheard, stepped past, stepped over, left behind.
Faith grows stronger as it is exercised in our world.
It starts small.
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