The wicked
are snared by their own sin;
the righteous sing and rejoice.
Proverbs 29:6 CEB
I don't think this proverb is about comparing the wicked and the righteous because I know I don't fit into either of those categories - if it was it would set us up for an "I'm better than you" comparison which doesn't help anyone.
I think this is about the snare, the trap.
It seems that both the "wicked" and the "righteous"sin, but the righteous can more easily see the trap of their sin, the ensnaring. We'd be naive to think we can see the trap, the ensnaring of sin on our own.
That's why we need one another, need community, share where we've been ensared, how we got out, how we avoid the traps of our own sin.
Because on the other side of that is singing and rejoicing, a picture of flourishing and thriving and freedom.
The idea of a snare is that once caught you can't get out on your own.
We need one another to see the snares of sin, and to get each other out.
What do you think?
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