However, Peter jumped up and ran to the tomb to look.
he peered in and saw the empty linen wrappings;
then he went home again,
wondering what had happened.
Luke 24:12 NLT
Even though Peter had been with Jesus most of the last 3 years.
Even though he had seen the miracles.
Even though he had heard Jesus teaching again and again about who he was, about what was going to happen...and even though he had a look in the empty grave, saw the linen wrappings, he still didn't get what was going on.
And I think I do from a quick read of the gospels and a couple of sermons in church.
It's OK to have doubts.
It's OK not to have it all figured out.
It's OK that there's mystery.
It's OK that there's more to learn, and it's OK to lean into not knowing.
I think that's why it's called faith.
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