Now someone may argue,
"Some people have faith; others have good deeds."
But I say,
"How can you show me your faith if you don't have good deeds?"
I will show you my faith by my good deeds.
Can't you see that faith without good deeds is useless?
James 2:18, 20 NLT
James isn't telling us it's a competition, that the one who serves more, does more is somehow "better".
He isn't guilt tripping us into serving the church, or anywhere really.
Seven times we've heard "dear brothers and sisters" from James, this is an invitation to see that faith needs an outworking somewhere, an expression.
Faith is something that impacts our thoughts, emotions, spirit, body, and finds expression in the world we live in.
The word translated "useless" here is "argos" which means idle, inactive, unprofitable, lazy.
Faith without expression is idle.
Just sitting around.
Where and how does our faith find it's expression?
What a great question.
James is not about rules and "shoulds" but invitation alongside one another.
Perhaps a better question is "where is your faith drawing you to find it's expression?"
Where is your heart for God quietly prompting?
What's one small step in that direction?
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