Dear brothers and sisters, not many of you should become teachers in the church, for we who teach will be judged more strictly.
James 3:1 NLT
This is the very next thing that James has to say after talking about faith in action. Is there a connection?
I wonder what problem James might be trying to address here in the new churches filling up with new believers - could it be that everyone wants to be up front as these churches are so different from the structures that they may have been used to or experienced.
Everyone has something to say, and these new churches are an opportunity?
The Bible as we know it doesn't exist.
And who's doing the judging here?
The Christian community?
The apostles?
Or do teachers judge themselves in relation to their teaching?
Maybe this lack of clarity is helpful for us as we consider what James' words might mean for us - that teaching others from our spiritual experience and/or God's word should be done carefully and with thought, not done lightly.
That while we all have something to say, when it comes to teaching others perhaps we need to slow down and take the last part of James letter about faith in action to heart.
Perhaps living our faith out is our teaching space.
Perhaps living our faith out is a prerequisite to teaching others (see J 2:14-16 for an example)
What do you think?
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