Sunday Psalms:
His salvation is near for those who fear him,
so that glory will be in our land.
Grace and truth have met together;
justice and peace have kissed each other.
Truth springs up from the earth,
and justice looks down from heaven.
Psalms 85:10-12 CJB
This part of the song paints a picture of what the songwriters are hoping for, longing for.
And it's a beautiftul picture.
The land is restored.
And yet it sits in a song of "not yet", of "when", of "God when will you bring this to reality".
Maybe that resonates with things we are facing, knowing that Grace, Truth, & Justice and will bring about the Peace we are longing for.
But it's not yet.
We get glimpses.
Moments of how things should be.
And it's in that "now and the not yet" that we all live right?
In the meantime we're allowed to ask just like this psalm does, when.
When is this final restoration going to come?
These deep longings for Grace, Truth, & Justice are part of being human, and as we work towards them, live these values out in the ways that we can, we hold the hope of the new heavens, the new earth, where all will be made new.
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