I long,
I faint with longing to enter the courts of the Lord.
With my whole being, body and soul,
I will shout joyfully to the living God.
Psalm 84:2 NLT
This song is written by the descendants of Korah who we read about in Exodus 6 and Numbers 16. Korah was involved in a rebellion against Moses, and yet here his descendants have written songs in the songbook.
What strikes me about this passage is the whole person worship expression - there's some kind of physical longing to be with God, something the writers feel in their body.
Then there's joyful shouting.
Must be kind of like the shouting when you're in a crowd and your team scores or at a concert and the artist starts your favourite song...it's a shout that encompasses your "whole being, body and soul".
It's probably not something we do on our own.
Maybe the closest I get in my cultural expression to what Korah's descendants are writing about here is in church when my whole being gets lost in a song we're singing together.
When a baby cries you get it's whole being.
When a child communicates its sometimes body and soul.
Maybe as adults we've let something important fade, something Korah's children are inviting us back to, shouting joyfully to the living God with our whole being, body and soul...
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