Then the servants came to the chief priests and Pharisees, who asked them,
"Why didn't you bring him?"
The servants answered, "No man ever spoke like this!"
John 7:45-46 CSB
The crowd was divided, and now the staff are rebelling.
They were sent to bring Jesus in, but they heard enough of what Jesus had to say to put their jobs on the line, to tell their bosses that they're wrong, that it's time to listen to Jesus.
Even today I can judge Jesus based on a Sunday school story, a song, a Christmas carol.
But the servants of the Pharisees here challenge us from down the centuries to hear Jesus for ourselves, to take off our cultural blinders and our own ideas, and let Jesus speak.
Living water is not something passive, it's active, rejuvenating, bringing goodness, change, life. It's restoring, blessing, building up.
It's cleansing, washing, purifying, making new.
The staff of the Pharisees were steeped in the rules, and the expectations of others. And they've heard the words of life, of freedom, and want to not arrest and stop Jesus, but step towards him.
May we do that today.
From wherever we are, let go of some of the weight of others rules & expectations, & step towards Jesus, allowing his love and grace wash over and through us, speaking life!
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