A lazy man's craving will kill him,
because his hands refuse to work
- he covets greedily all day long;
but a righteous person gives without holding back.
Proverbs 21:CJB
Coveting vs giving.
Maybe it's just me that has this battle?
The writer of this proverb knew all about it. I know what it's like to covet all day long, but how often do I give without holding back?
The most beautiful things can happen when we give without holding back.
Art is created.
Music is made.
Things are built.
Books are written.
Dreams become, start to become, reality.
Hope is kindled.
Lives are changed.
Joy is found.
Shalom happens.
Jesus loved without holding back, and he's the one we follow.
Maybe we're holding back because we want something, covet something first.
Jesus didn't wait for us.
There's a scariness in not holding back, but maybe that's where the goodness is found, where life is.
Maybe it's that part of me, my heart I'm holding back from God.
Is there somewhere He is nudging your heart today?
Somewhere he's made you to go all in on?
Somewhere there is life?
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