But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.
At dawn he went to the temple again, and all the people were coming to him.
He sat down and began to teach them.
John 8:1-2 CSB
The Pharisees had been reduced to name calling and labelling. Half the people seemed to believe in Jesus, their own staff, and even one of their own, Nicodemus, had called them out for not following their own rules.
And Jesus just carried on doing his thing.
Early morning going to the hub of life in the town, sitting down with people, and teaching.
And people wanted to hear him.
Lots of them.
He wasn't chasing the powerful, the elite, but happy to meet the ordinary.
I wonder what Jesus was teaching that day, what his message was.
I wonder what he would be teaching in my town.
Or if he turned up at my house, what his message would be for the people gathered there.
I wonder what he'd have to say to me today.
Somehow I think we would know that God is love, light, truth, and justice, and that we are seen, known, important, and dearly loved.
Somehow we'd know that Jesus is who he says he is, and that it's going to be OK.
Somehow we'd know that Jesus is our hope.
That in this messy, messed up, beautiful world, love wins.
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