And he subjected everything under his feet and appointed him as head over everything for the church,
which is his body,
the fullness of the one who fills all things in every way.
Ephesians 1:22-23 CSB
The picture here is that we, the church are Jesus's body.
Our body is not unconnected from our mind, our spirit, the essence of who we are.
We are embodied souls.
We feel emotions in our bodies, we respond in the physical realm to our thoughts, to the direction of our spirit, we live out who we are in our bodies.
And that seems to be the insepersble oneness that we, the church, God's people, now have in and with Jesus.
One can no longer work, maybe the word is live, seperarely any more.
Yes it's personal, but it's us together.
Together we make up the body.
And our God wants all of us.
As a body, all of us is important, and no one wins unless we all win.
We finish together.
Just like our bodies are made up of different things, so is the church. The diversity is what gives life.
The church isn't somewhere we go to or attend, it's who we are.
And together we follow our head, Jesus, where he leads.
His plan is redemptive.
Jesus simply said to "come, follow me".
Let's simply do that together, today.
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