The servants answered, "No man ever spoke like this!"
Then the Pharisees responded to them,
"Are you fooled too? Have any of the rulers or Pharisees believed in him?
But this crowd, which doesn't know the law, is accursed."
John 7:46-49 CSB
The Pharisees are not interested in anyone else's view. Not their staff, and definitely not the ordinary people.
No one like us, no one like me, agrees with you.
All the people with power, those who dress like I do, went to the same university as me, look like me, they all agree with me.
We're always right.
Gotta say there's times when I've got the same attitude. Not listening.
And rather than listen, just like the Pharisees, pop a label on people who have a different view...the Pharisees open a view to my own heart that I don't like to see.
People with power don't have to listen, don't have to be curious. If only the Pharisees had been, they were missing the most important person in the history of humanity, the very person they were waiting for was right there in front of them.
I wonder who I miss?
The beautiful image bearers of our God wrapped up in the people who wander into my orbit.
May today my heart be soft enough, curious enough, to see and hear.
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