The eleven disciples traveled to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had directed them. When they saw him,
they worshiped,
but some doubted. Jesus came near and said to them,
"All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth.
Go, therefore,
and make disciples of all nations...
...And remember,
I am with you always,
to the end of the age."
Matthew 28:16-20 CSB
Jesus asks them to meet him on a hill.
Why not in a room or anywhere else?
Why on the mountain?
Lots of significant things happened on mountains, Moses met with God there, Jesus was crucified on a hill.
But I wonder if Jesus wanted them there for the view.
He was going to meet with them for one of the last times ever, and maybe he wanted them to have that big view.
To get that feeling we get when we look out over a landscape from a mountain.
When we look to the distance and breathe differently.
When it seems like there are no boundaries, that anything is possible.
When it feels like we're part of something bigger.
When we see creation in a different way, see God differently, maybe feel closer to Him.
Maybe that's why Jesus asked his crew of worshipping doubters to meet him there, to soak in the view of God's world.
A big world.
A world of need, a world of possibility, of opportunity, that he was sending them into, but not alone.
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