Jesus said to her,
"why are you crying?
Who is it that you're seeking?"
Supposing he was the gardener,
she replied,
"Sir, if you've carried him away, tell me where you've put him, and I will take him away."
Jesus said to her,
John 20:15-16 CSB
Jesus has been through Gethsemane, the betrayals and rejections, the trials, the bearings and abuse, the crucifixion, the separation, he's absorbed the sins of the whole world, defeated death, and been raised to life...and the first person who sees him mistakes him for the gardner.
And Jesus doesn't care.
His heart is for the person in front of him.
He doesn't correct her, remind her what this is all about, tell the whole story...he just gently speaks her name.
(What an example to follow)
And that is the love and care that Jesus has for us.
For me.
For you.
No matter what else is going on in your world today, Jesus is right there, happy to be mistaken for the hired help, gently speaking your name.
Rest in that today.
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