Jesus said to her,
"why are you crying?
Who is it that you're seeking?"
Supposing he was the gardener,
she replied,
"Sir, if you've carried him away, tell me where you've put him, and I will take him away."
Jesus said to her,
John 20:15-16 CSB
Mary wasn't caught up in anyone else's drama, like the Jewish leaders.
She wasn't like the disciples hiding away.
She had one thing on her heart, she was seeking Jesus.
And she found him in an unexpected way.
So unexpected that she didn't recognise him.
Maybe today you and I might find Jesus in an unexpected place, or an unexpected person.
If we're looking.
Image bearers of God are everywhere!
Romans 1:20 reminds us that he can be seen in the world he has made.
Like Mary, it's good to be seeking Jesus today.
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