A wise man scales the city of the mighty
and brings down the stronghold in which they trust.
Proverbs 21:22 ESV
Yesterday we touched on those thoughts or beliefs that might be strongholds that the truth of God's word, the whisper of the Spirit, the love of Jesus, would tear down.
I wonder what other unspoken ideas or biases that are lurking in my heart that in some way I am harbouring?
Things that I might not see.
The unwritten rules of my family, the culture in which I live and work and study and rest in.
The lurking ideas about "them".
People from "there".
I think it was Tim Keller who said something like this:
God loves me as I am.
He loves me too much to leave me as I am.
Jesus doesn't storm my strongholds and wipe them out, he scales the walls of my heart and starts walking around inside my city walls, quietly asking, gently challenging, nudging.
Jesus who came from the glories of heaven and washed feet gives me an example to follow.
Paul, in the last verse of 1 Corinthians Ch 12 puts it this way:
Now, let me show you the most excellent way, the best way of all...
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