The eleven disciples traveled to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had directed them. When they saw him,
they worshiped,
but some doubted. Jesus came near
and said to them,
"All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth."
Matthew 28:16-18 CSB
They worshipped Jesus.
Some doubted.
What was Jesus stance towards them?
Did he tell them to sort themselves out?
No, Jesus came near.
In the midst of our doubts and questions and things we don't get, choose to worship anyway.
And Jesus comes near.
Jesus comes near.
And reminds them that he has full authority over everything.
Jesus who is here with them, also holds the universe together.
And in their worship and in their doubts Jesus moves closer.
I wonder if you can locate yourself in this story...worshipper, disciple, doubter, some matter what Jesus wants to come near.
Sometimes it's me that keeps him away.
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