Rejoice with those who rejoice;
weep with those who weep.
Romans 12:15 CSB
Which one of these is harder for you?
Stepping towards someone who is hurting and sitting with them in that place, without having to fix it, that can seem hard to do.
Loss and grief are part of this life, and weeping with those who weep is redemptive and good.
Rejoicing, being happy for someone seems easy, until you're rejoicing over a friend's baby and you're struggling to conceive or had a miscarriage.
Celebrating business success with someone when you're broke.
Rejoicing in someone's "A", when a "C" feels a long way off for you.
Being genuinely happy for others success, rejoicing with them regardless of where I'm at, for me is a heart attitude that still needs work.
I have to own those thoughts or feelings of jealousy or "what about me?", name them for what they are, pray, & go to my truth coach (usually 1 Cor 13:4-7) & see what love would do.
And choose to rejoice with the rejoicer!
Some days just getting out of bed can be tough, so while Paul is giving us another work out here, the gospel, the good news, is full of grace. Maybe today the best thing you can do is extend that grace to you.
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