The eleven disciples traveled to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had directed them. When they saw him,
they worshiped,
but some doubted.
Matthew 28:16-17 CSB
This the start of the "great commission", and Jesus is going to start the church...this is Jesus team, who've been with him for 3 years, and now are standing with the ressurected Jesus.
He's right there.
And some doubted.
Yet Jesus was right there.
Having doubts is part of being human.
Wavering is OK.
Hesitating happens.
If we had zero doubts, what place would faith have?
We don't know what was going on in their hearts and minds, those who were not wavering, or those who were.
Tim Keller talks about us being prepared to doubt our doubts, to investigate what's beneath our doubt.
Did they waver because they were afraid?
Scared for their future?
Their own lives?
The whole crucifixion, resurrection was too overwhelming?
Did they doubt their own senses?
I wonder if I'd traveled to Galilee that day and stood on that mountain and met Jesus there how I'd be?
Were they doubting Jesus?
Or was it that those who had abandoned Jesus when he needed them most had that most human of responses, & were doubting themselves?
Jesus wants us near when we're full of faith or with our doubts.
It's OK.
He loves us any way.
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