Many among the crowds at the Temple believed in him.
"After all",
they said,
"would you expect the Messiah to do more miraculous signs than this man has done?"
When the Pharisees heard that the crowds were whispering such things, they and the leading priests sent Temple guards to arrest Jesus.
John 7:31-32 NLT
The people could see the signs. They could see Jesus for who he said he was, but those in power it seems could not. Were they blinded by what they might lose?
Those with power wrote Jesus off. Sent guards to arrest him.
They wanted to shut him down as he threatened the structures that they had built up.
Threatened their empire.
Jesus does that.
Threatens empires.
Whether it's nations, or the empire I have in my own heart, where it's my will be done, my kingdom come.
Jesus kingdom is upsidedown, and that doesn't sit well with those with power.
We get to choose to go with the Pharisees and get Jesus arrested, shut down.
Shut down his call to love God, to love people, to follow him.
Or we can follow those in the crowd who believed.
To believe in Jesus, and to step into the adventure with Him.
That's an everyday choosing, a moment by moment choosing to put Jesus in the centre of the kingdom of my heart.
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