Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.
Matthew 5:9 NIV
Today in NZ we reflect back on war.
The horrors of it.
We remember those who lost their lives in wars.
Our focus is on not forgetting.
And it's good not to forget.
Good not to forget those who died so that we can have many of the freedoms that we enjoy today.
What do we do with that "not forgetting"?
Unlike many around the world we are not faced with war, but many do face injustice.
Many do face violence in their homes.
People suffer at the hands of others, and we so easily forget.
Jesus called us to be peacemakers, and that takes more than "not forgetting".
That takes stepping towards injustice, towards suffering, and bringing peace.
And that's what Jesus did.
Stepped towards us.
To bring peace.
And he calls us to follow him.
To be peace makers in our homes, in our families, in our communities takes work and effort and sacrifice.
Facing injustice, stepping towards others hurt, bringing peace is not easy, but if we follow Jesus, that is what we will do.
Because people matter.
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