He was transfigured in front of them,
and his clothes became dazzling,
extremely white,
as no launderer on earth could whiten them.
Mark 9:2-3 CSB
The word here is "metamorphoo" from which we get metamorphosis.
To change form in keeping with inner reality.
The boys were getting a glimpse of the inner reality of who Jesus is.
And they didn't have the words for it.
Did Jesus clothes change?
Jesus changed and the effect of that powered right through his clothing...
This same word is used in 2 Cor 3. We sing "where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom" and v18 says we are being transformed, metamorohed, our form reflecting the inner reality, being changed to be more like Jesus.
It should power thru our clothing, be seen in our eyes, be heard in our words, be felt in our touch, be seen in our actions.
The inner reality
Our outer person.
God is Love.
What the boys saw that day was pure Love seen as Light.
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