He was stating the matter plainly [not holding anything back].
Then Peter took Him aside and began to reprimand Him.
Mark 8:32 AMP
Jesus was talking about suffering.
And resurrection.
How many of those are on my New Years resolution list, where I want to spend more time this year?
Yet Jesus was being very clear to his team. (I wonder how long this teaching took?
And why didn't Mark record it?)
And what's Peter doing?
Did he wait till the end of Jesus lecture? My guess is that it was before Jesus got to the resurrection bit Peter says something loke "Jesus can I talk to you over here. You've just got to dial down all this suffering and death talk. We're your disciples, followers, these are hard places to follow you into. New year, new me does not include suffering thanks"
How many times do I want to straighten Jesus up?
Blessed are the who?
Love my neighbour? Have you met them?
Wash feet? Seriously?
Give? You mean give my stuff?
Be hospitable? To them?
Look after who?
Go where?
Thanks Peter for saying what I sometimes want to say.
Jesus, help me to know your heart more and to follow you this year.
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