A cloud appeared, overshadowing them,
and a voice came from the cloud:
"This is
my beloved Son;
listen to him!"
Mark 9:7 CSB
As if being up the mountain with Jesus wasn't enough, the light of Jesus glory was bursting thru his clothing, it then gets dark.
And there's the voice.
The voice of God.
Speaking words of belonging, and acceptance, and love.
How much of this was for Jesus and how much was for the boys?
The same word, beloved, dearly loved, is in Eph 5:1, where we are His dearly loved children.
1 John 1:3. We are children of God.
One day, we will hear as clearly as those boys on the mountain did that day, the unmistakable, unwavering words of belonging, acceptance and love as our heavenly Father says this is my dearly loved child.
To you.
And that glimpse of the transformed Jesus will be full on.
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