Create in me
a pure heart,
O God,
a steadfast spirit
within me.
Psalm 51:10 NIV
Create: this word means to shape, like to shape a stick into an arrow, to pare it.
David is asking God to reshape his heart.
To reshape it, to create something new, clean, pure.
To pare something, to shape something, you often use a sharp tool.
And who is David asking?
Only God can do this work in our hearts.
His Spirit
His Word
His people
Our circumstances
God can use all these things to shape us, to pare our hearts, to make something new, clean, pure.
Will we pray as David did?
Lord, do what only you can do. Clean my heart.
I know that I'm made right by the cross, but there's still stuff in me that's not great.
Shape me, pare away the rubbish.
I know it might hurt, but go ahead anyway.
Create in me a pure heart Lord.
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