But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure;
then peace-oving, considerate,
full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and
James 3:17NIV
Yes I want that!
Where can I find it?
That package is not found somewhere, but it's a person.
James paints a picture of Jesus for us
Read it again :)
He is the wisdom that came from heaven and entered the story.
Here's the meaning of that first word: pure
pure (to the core);
pure inside and out;
holy because uncontaminated (undefiled from sin), i.e. without spoilation even within (even down to the center of ones being);
not mixed with guilt or anything condemnable.
I just know that this is not me. At the core there is always something that spoils...but Jesus?
This is who He is!
And when he touches us, this is what we get...His purity becomes ours.
How we are seen by the Father because of what Jesus did
And one day all that is spoiled and contaminated at our core will be gone forever
For now, we get to worship the one who is:
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