But when the attendants delivered the king's command, Queen Vashti refused to come. Then the king became furious and burned with anger.
Esther 1:12 NIV
For 6 months the King had been showing off the power of his kingdom.
All his stuff.
And at the end of that he had a party that was to last a week, and show off the queen as part of that.
She said no.
We don't know why.
He was not happy.
There's two things this story tells me about my own heart...
1. Power goes to my head. Would I be any different than this King if I had his (unlimited) wealth?
I don't think I could be trusted with it.
2. Relationships are more important than anything. We're relational beings, that's how we're designed.
Yet how often do I put relationships below, as less important than, the "stuff"?
We have a King who left the glories if heaven, and became a servant
Washing feet
Feeding the hungry
Living water for the thirsty
Speaking life
Because a relationship with us is more important.
This Queen's birthday, what's more important?
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