Cast me not away
from your presence,
and take not your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore to me
the joy of your salvation, and uphold me
with a willing spirit.
Psalms 51:11-12 ESV
This is a song written in the face of an epic fail.
An epic moral failure.
It didn't happen by accident, David chose, at every step along the way he could have stopped, he overstepped every boundary, and went against everything he knew was right.
And now David is almost pleading for his life.
I've stepped out of your will. I've made a poor choice. Please don't turn your back on me.
Don't let me go.
Bring me back into fellowship with you
I need you
David doesn't have the benefit that we have of Jesus once-for-all sacrifice, or Jesus account of the prodigal son...but he does know that he needs God.
That the path he has chosen leads to death, not to life, darkness not light.
And he wants to head back to the light.
Can you relate?
I can
Today Lord, I choose light over darkness. Help me in every choice today to represent you, uphold me by Your Spirit
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