When he went into the house, Jesus spoke to him first,
"What do you think, Simon?
From whom do earthly kings collect tariffs or taxes?
From their sons or from strangers?"
Matthew 17:25 CSB
Peter/Simon had been cornered by those who collect a tax at the temple and asked if Jesus paid. The implication is that Peter had no idea but just said "Yes!".
Intriguing thing here is that Jesus didn't wait for Peter to initiate anything about what had happened, somehow, Jesus already knew.
We also see Jesus being a Rabbi and not telling or educating Peter, but asking him a question, opening up space for Peter to see something else, see something deeper that's going on here.
Jesus is asking Peter to consider, from what he has learned about Jesus, from what he has learned about himself, who is really in charge here?
And we get to reflect on that question too. Jesus might ask about taxes today, but is more likely to ask about multinational technology companies and their reach into our lives, the influence and power of countries on others lives, the belief systems that drive our society.
And Jesus asks "who's really in charge? Now that you know me, is there soemthing deeper in this world, something more than the powers and ideas of this world?"
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