"But, so we won't offend them,
go to the sea,
cast in a fishhook,
and take the first fish that you catch.
When you open its mouth you'll find a coin. Take it and give it to them for me and you."
Matthew 17:27 CSB
V24 tells us they were in Capernaum, which google maps shows is a small settlement right on the Sea of Galilee.
Matthew doesn't tell us how long Peter was fishing for, or even what happened, what Peter did.
He doesn't record whether Peter was on his own, was thinking about his life as a fisherman, whether he caught a fish, found the money and paid the tax.
He doesn't wonder why Jesus just didn't produce a coin.
Peter doesn't get a sermon or lecture, but there must be something to learn.
Peter was quick to respond, quick to jump to action.
It seems that Jesus wanted him to learn to slow down, to think about his actions and their impact on others ("so that we don't offend").
It seems that Jesus wanted Peter to trust him. To follow his weird instructions.
It seems that Jesus wanted Peter to participate, to be part of the miracle, to be active in the solution, to using his skills, to be part of the story.
Maybe something Peter needed to learn we need to learn, I need to learn too.
- Thinking about the needs of others.
- Slowing down.
- Trusting Jesus.
- Participating. Being part of the story.
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