The righteous
like a palm tree
and grow
like a cedar tree
in Lebanon.
in the house of the Lord, they thrive in the courts of our God.
Psalm 92:12-13 CSB
There's a thriving, a growth, that doesn't come from and isn't dependent on what our culture, our world says is thriving or growth.
There's a now and a not yet feel to this, because we are not yet living fully in the "courts of our God".
Some days, some moments, we glimpse all that this song sings about, and holds the promise of more to come.
We are His Beloved, and this picture of thriving and flourishing is what is ahead, not some "perfect" state where nothing happens, but a return to Eden where everything was "good", as it should be, where there is growth and thriving, when all the disconnections from the land, each other, ourselves, and with our God, are fully restored.
For now, we get glimpses of that as we choose to love God, & love people as best we can.
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