A wicked ruler is as dangerous to the poor as a roaring lion or an attacking bear.
Proverbs 28:15 NLT
The word here translated "poor" is the word "dal" which carries the meanings of poor, weak, thin, dangly...the ruler in this proverb has power, all the power.
A roaring lion or an attacking bear is in your face power, but a wicked ruler is just as dangerous, yet isn't as obvious.
This proverb highlights God's heart for the poor, the weak, the thin, those just hanging on, the powerless.
In those places where we have power are we dangerous to those with less?
Do I at times seem as dangerous (or just like) a roaring lion?
I wonder what those with less power around me would say?
Matariki is a good time to reflect as it's about remembering, and then celebrating the present, and looking forward. This reminds me that change is possible. Those with power can change, where we have power we can use it to bless and benefit others.
This proverb highlights the reality of our world, Matariki reminds us that it doesn't have to be that way, that together we can shift things.
May you find something to celebrate and be thankful for today.
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