A wicked ruler is as dangerous to the poor as a roaring lion or an attacking bear.
Proverbs 28:15 NLT
When we look for Jesus in this Proverb we find him in the opposite.
He is safe for the poor.
Safe for the weak.
Safe for the thin, the dangly.
There is no wickedness, no roaring at us creating fear, no attacking looking to destroy or devour, no grasping or misuse of power, because his law is love.
Jesus is not just a light giver, He is Light, so the shadows disappear.
Jesus brings hope, and more, because he is Hope, so the fears can fade.
Jesus loves, and he is Love, embodied Love.
And the craziest part of all that is that we are the object of His Love.
We are Beloved.
When we experience the roaring lions and attacking bears of this world, those who use their power to harm, we hold to a Hope that is greater, a Love that is bigger, a Story that will take us Home.
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