Don't you know that...
So whoever wants to...
Or do you think...
James 4 CSB
These snippets are from vv4-5 of James 4, and they make no sense because we need to read the whole chapter, the ideas are all linked together:
It seems to be about our heart motivation, the battles within, how that affects the way we stand in the world, and how we stand in relation to the ideas of the world, and ends with some practical ways to live that will shift our hearts motives, or at least give them a nudge.
So if you're up for a workout today, read James 4.
It takes less than 2 minutes to read the chapter once.
As we read this chapter today (as many times as you can) listen for James heart for us, listen for what he might have for us today, listen to his questions, listen for what the Spirit has for us in this today...
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