My brothers and sisters, think of the various tests you encounter as occasions for joy.
After all, you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance.
Let this endurance complete its work so that you may be fully mature, complete, and lacking in nothing.
James 1:2-4 CEB
Some translations of the Bible use words like "trials of many kinds", but the word James uses is "peirasmos" which means "an experiment, a trial, temptation", and it's usage is
(a) trial, probation, testing, being tried,
(b) temptation,
(c) calamity, affliction.
And his context is that it's like going to the gym, running uphill, pushing testing, challenging our faith that strengthens it is what this is all about.
This is not some general instruction to absorb any pain, hurt, abuse, suffering or loss with some kind of "joy".
In a faith sense it's like saying I can usually run 5km, but today I need to run 6km.
James doesn't want us to avoid the faith challenges that grow our faith muscles.
This might be wrestling with a difficult passage or idea about God.
It might be wondering how to humbly restore a damaged relationship.
It might be to serve others in some way, and not be recognized or thanked.
There's a joy in the discovery and the exhaustion of running the 6th km.
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