He who robs his father or mother, saying,
"It is not wrong,"
is a companion to the man who destroys.
Proverbs 28:24 NLT
Not sure who the "man who destroys" is, but maybe it's supposed to invoke an image of who our mates are when we convince ourselves that wrong is right.
Maybe it's a picture of who we might become.
A destroyer.
Because this proverb is not so much about the action (stealing from your parents is just wrong, right?), but about the self deception.
This person is deceiving themselves that wrong is right.
I'm wondering, while I might not steal from my parents, where else do I convince myself "it's not wrong"?
Is it how I treat my partner, children, friends, clients, patients, flatmates, neighbors, the person on the checkout, the person driving the car that cut me off, the land, the water, the place we live in... a heart that just wants what is easy and pleasurable for me, a heart that has convinced itself "that's not wrong".
We want to be the opposite of "the destoyer", people who create, restore, build, regenerate, thrive, bless, heal and encourage.
People who look more like Jesus.
Let's do that today...
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