An arrogant person stirs up strife,
But one who trusts in the Lord will prosper.
Proverbs 28:25 NASB
The imagery in the Bible is so good...the word here translated "prosper" is "dashen" which means "fat", or "to grow fat".
And the "arrogant person", well that's a person who's "nephesh", their soul, emotions, desires, the life within, are "rachab" which carries the meanings of arrogant, broad, large, proud, spacious.
It seems to be saying that without trust in Yahweh, trust in God, something gets bigger inside us that isn't good, because it stirs up strife, creates contention, which is the opposite of shalom, the opposite of peace.
When I lose sight of who God is, the Big Story, His heart for people, His heart for me, my thoughts can get away on me, my emotions can take charge, and there is strife in my mind and soul.
Trusting is intentional.
It's found in our habits, our choices and actions.
And the outcome is a soul that has "dashen", fat.
Fat as a sign that all is well, there's surplus stored for when it's needed, that there's been good nourishment of our souls, that we have something to give.
Trust can be difficult, but trusting in Yahweh is worth it.
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