If wisdom is needed, ask the Great Spirit, for he freely gives wisdom to all who ask and never holds back.
But when you ask, you must put all your trust in him without doubting. For the one who doubts is like a wave in the sea tossed about by the wind.
James 1:5-6 FNVNT
What's the asking all about here?
It's about asking for wisdom.
And what's the doubting?
Is it doubting that you'll receive wisdom?
Or doubting in the one you're asking?
Or both?
What is James getting at here?
So often this lack of wisdom, what I'm asking God for is a really specific question, like should I take this job, buy this house or something.
But is that what James would he writing to the scattered Jewish Christians about in the first century?
Is that the "wisdom" he's got in mind?
The previous part of his letter is about testing. What people were facing.
Perhaps we can slow down and consider what James would have us take into our world today about testing, about doubt, about our God, the Great Spirit, and about faith.
There's enough going on in this world that buffets us around, let's not let doubt in the Great Spirit add to that.
What is James inviting us into today?
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