For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.
So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.
James 1:3-4 NLT
Yesterday I got to hold a small child, born just a few days ago. One thing children do is grow, but it's small steps every day.
If I want to run 5km, I start by walking 100m and add to it little by little, testing walking further, then starting to jog part way, building up endurance, testing what is possible.
What if James has the same kind of idea in mind about faith?
Our spiritual muscles grow little by little as we test our endurance.
That means when we are able to walk 100m there'll be people who can run 5km, and that's OK. It shows us it can be done.
And if we can run 5km and meet someone who can walk 100m what could we do?
Perhaps slow down and walk with them.
Encourage them in their journey, because when we hold a tiny baby we are reminded that we were all that size once, all just as small, just as vulnerable, just as in need of care and nurture and love.
Growing in faith needs the same things a growing baby needs, a loving community, slowing down, bending down, meeting the small person where they are at.
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