Sunday Psalms;
Yet you
are enthroned as the Holy One;
you are
the one Israel praises.
In you
our ancestors put their trust;
they trusted
and you
delivered them.
To you
they cried out and were saved;
in you
they trusted
and were not
put to shame.
Psalms 22:3-5 NIV
After the first two verses of despair, of looking inward, David looks up and back, looks up to our God, and looks back to see where God's story has intertwined with the nation, with his people.
Yet you
You are
And you
To you
In you
This doesn't erase David's despair in vv1-2, but he is able to turn his heart and mind to our God at the same time.
The things he is crying out about haven't changed, but he is choosing to look up, and to look back, and in doing that knows that he is the beloved of God.
As are you
As am I
When we are in despair, David gives us this frame to complete for ourselves about God;
Yet you _____
You are _____
And you ______
To you ______
In you _____
They trusted and were not put to shame, whatever shame that was supposed to or expected to fall on them, didn't. Psalm 22 can also be read as a prophetic expression of Jesus' journey to the Cross, where our shame was absorbed by Him.
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