Sunday Psalms;
My God,
my God,
have You forsaken me?
Why are You so far from saving me,
so far from my words of groaning?
I cry out by day,
O my God,
but You do not answer, and by night,
but I have no rest.
Psalms 22:1-2 BSB
David, the psalmist, the song writer, is not afraid to write about how it is for him.
How is it for you?
Ever felt like this?
These songs give us permission to express what's on our hearts and minds.
And they let us know that when we are in despair, that we're not alone.
They also let us know, that even when we're in the middle of this, it's not the end, this is song 22 of 150, despair may be loud right now, but it's not the last word, it's not all there is.
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