Don't answer a fool according to his foolishness or you'll be like him yourself.
Answer a fool according to his foolishness or he'll become wise in his own eyes.
Proverbs 26:4-5 CSB
Is this proverbs just messing with us? Maybe an analogy for 2022!
There's a heart thing going on here though about becoming wise in our own eyes, when I think that I have all the answers, when there's no room for being wrong, for others opinions, viewpoints or experience.
When I place me at the centre - that's foolishness.
This proverb indicates that needs correcting. Like a ship that needs a course correction or Google maps rerouting us to the correct destination.
But this proverb warns us that there's a danger in doing that in others lives.
So what's the answer?
Maybe it's to keep looking at the wisdom of God's word for guidance and correction, to keep asking how does scripture speak to my life, my world today, to allow others views and viewpoints and experience space, to be prepared to be wrong, to walk with humility in whatever spaces I find myself in...
Maybe this proverb is there to mess with us a little, to keep us thinking and pondering and working things out, 'cos just like 2022, life can be messy, not easy, full of bumps and potholes.
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