Then the Lord commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land.
Jonah 2:10 CSB
Do you have a favourite Bible verse?
Maybe this is a good one!
If Peter Jackson made the movie "Jonah" you can see the fun he would have with this!
I love to see me in the centre of the story, running away from God, He intervenes in a miraculous way, and my life is changed forever.
But if this story is a teaching us something, pointing us somewhere, it's pointing us to Jesus.
Jesus who entered the story, was thrown overboard for us, spent 3 days absorbing our sin, somehow came back from the dead, and ended up on a beach (cooking breakfast for his team).
Jesus is at the centre of the story.
And I'm in Nineveh, in need of a saviour.
A saviour who was vomited back from Death.
Death could not stomach Life, Light, Justice, Love.
Jonah was as far away from anyone, from help, as he could possibly get. One man sacrificed for many, entombed in the fish, in the ocean, alone.
Jesus was as far from the Father as it was possible to be.
Entombed in Death itself.
One person, sacrificed for us all.
And then God spoke.
And he was vomited onto dry land.
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