Lead me, O Lord,
in Your righteousness because of my enemies; make straight Your way before me.
For not a word they speak can be trusted; destruction lies within them.
Their throats are open graves;
their tongues practice deceit.
Declare them guilty,
O God;
let them fall by their own devices.
Drive them out for their many transgressions,
for they have rebelled against You.
Psalms 5:8-10 BSB
Have you ever wanted some words to speak about injustice in your own life or the lives of others, then here are some that you may connect with and use.
Even though David has these enemies coming against him, he chooses to position God at the centre of it.
Because of my enemies, You lead, You make a way, keep me on a righteous path. It's almost like David doesn't trust himself in his desire for accountability and justice, and needs God's guidance, His justice, His putting things right.
Sometimes the enemy that can't be trusted are the lies that I am believing, that pop into my mind, and they can be called out and faced using David's song.
David is OK with naming things and wanting them gone, but always in the framework of his own walk with God.
Maybe there's no enemies today which is great, but on the days that there are, then Psalm 5 gives us a way to see and move forward following Yahweh's lead.
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