Argue your case with your neighbor
without betraying another's confidence, lest the one who hears may disgrace you,
and your infamy never go away.
Proverbs 25:8-10 BSB
There's three people here in this:
My neighbor (which could also be translated friend)
And the person who's story I hold.
Who's the most vulnerable person here?
The person who's story I hold. Maybe we could rewrite this as:
Better to lose an argument (or not even have a discussion) if the story, the things that you hold in trust of others is at risk of being exposed.
Your reputation as a safe and trustworthy person depends on it
People matter, their stories matter, and that might that mean that I lose an argument, don't make a point, look small, unknowing, but others are more important than my discussion, my sermon, my message.
This is what loving people well looks like.
Let's press on in loving one another well.
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