Give ear to my words,
O Lord;
consider my groaning.
Attend to the sound of my cry,
my King and my God,
for to You I pray.
In the morning,
O Lord,
You hear my voice;
at daybreak
I lay my plea
before You
and wait
in expectation.
Psalms 5:1-3 BSB
This Psalm, this song, opens by giving us permission.
Permission to speak.
For those whose voice has been silenced, who's words have been disregarded, who's crying has gone unheard, this song gives permission to speak.
To cry out to God.
To lay it all out.
It's OK to speak.
David comes with words, groans, crying, and prayer.
It's OK to have all of those, to express them out loud.
And as the 'church', when we represent our God well, we can hear the words, groans, crying and prayers of others and be with them, join with them, and wait together.
This song gives you permission to find your voice.
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