But let all
who take refuge in You rejoice;
let them ever
shout for joy.
May You shelter them, that those
who love Your name
may rejoice in You.
For surely You,
O Lord,
bless the righteous;
You surround them
with the shield
of Your favor.
Psalms 5:11-12 BSB
All, you, them.
Refuge, shelter, shield.
Rejoice, shout for joy, blessed.
The end of this Psalm is about all of us, together, experiencing what it's like to be in God's care, and responding together.
A glimpse of heaven.
A community of people who love God, made up of people from all ages, of all ages, from all places, from all kinds of backgrounds and stories and experiences, with all kinds of language...I wonder what that rejoicing will sound like?
Sometimes we need that glimpse, because this world is not always a place of community or refuge or shelter.
This is a picture of God's heart for people, and we can reflect that in the way we live and work and play, we can be a refuge, shelter, shield, as a glimpse, a sample, of what is to come.
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