Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually advanced the gospel, so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard, and to everyone else, that my imprisonment is because I am in Christ. Most of the brothers have gained confidence in the Lord from my imprisonment and dare even more to speak the word fearlessly.
Philippians 1:12-14 CSB
(It's Monday just in case you've lost track)
Lessons from Paul's lockdown:
Paul found goodness from having his freedom restricted.
Not only goodness, but something good that probably couldn't have happened unless he'd been in prison.
Maybe it's a connection or reconnection with someone, spending quality time, getting some rest, finishing that book, that project, thinking time about what's really important, reaching out in love, praying, sharing your faith, finding an interesting podcast, breaking a habit, starting something new...what can I be grateful for today?
Paul inspired others in their faith. Because he was in jail, and he was just the same, continuing God's call on his life regardless of his circumstances.
Who is it that you can look to who is a bit like Paul?
How can you and I be a bit like Paul today?
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