A week later his disciples were indoors again, and Thomas was with them. Even though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said,
"Peace be with you."
John 20:26 CSB
The disciples were in lockdown. Not one imposed on them, but one that they were in because of fear.
And Jesus appears.
Some days that would be really helpful. We have these restrictions that we are living with, but sometimes it's fear that really locks us down.
Fear of "what if".
Fear of not knowing.
Fear of what seemed certain or clear no longer being certain or clear
Fear of not being in control.
What is it for you?
If only Jesus would just appear and fix it.
He did appear here. In the middle of their lockdown and spoke.
"Peace be with you".
Wrapped up in that is think back on all that I've taught you over the last 3 years, everything I said, I did, where it pointed, my death and resurrection.
Right now you're afraid.
Peace be with you.
Right now the future looks uncertain
Peace be with you
What if...
Peace be with you.
Today, as we try to hold all of who Jesus is, what he did, what he taught about God, the kingdom, let his peace gently wash away our fears, let his love replace our uncertainty, and his grace prompt us to love those in our bubble, and reach out and encourage those outside.
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