Whoever loves a pure heart and gracious speech will have the king as a friend.
Proverbs 22:11 NLT
This proverb gives us an insight into the heart of the king.
What the king values.
The king values a pure heart.
That brings genuineness & honesty to mind.
This word translated pure also means clean.
A heart that has been made clean.
We no longer have to go through the cleansing ceremonies to be clean, no longer sacrifice an animal to be purified, because of Jesus.
The King sees my still unclean heart as clean because of Jesus.
The vertical relationship with God (the King) is, and is being, restored.
And gracious speech, this is about my relationship with you. How I speak to you and about you.
The king in this proverb values and honours those who love their neighbour.
This proverb is about a human king, but points us to our heavenly King and gives a glimpse of what He values. Our relationship with Him, and how that's lived out in relationship with one another.
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